What are the Health Benefits of Dr. Fresh Air?
Written by Violeta West, BSN, ThD, PhD, DNM
There is a higher level of oxygen in the fresh air. As we breathe more oxygen, the blood vessels in the lungs dilate enabling a better cleansing of the lungs, subsequently, tissue repair begins, allowing the lungs to exchange gases more effectively.
A higher oxygen level in the air we breathe means there is more oxygen that circulates in the brain improving your ability to concentrate and remember more. Plus, you get more energized due to a higher oxygen level.
Breathing more fresh air lowers blood pressure and heart rate. Every cell needs oxygen to function, whether the cell is in the heart, liver, brain, lungs, etcetera. When the organ gets the oxygen it needs, it doesn’t have to work hard, therefore, it is able to relax and the numbers will prove that.
Breathing fresh air allows you to heal faster too. Replacing damaged cells require oxygen which is fresh air abundantly.
Fresh air also improves digestion. Being outside, observing nature allows one to relax and enhances digestive processes.
Source: https://liwli.com/surprising-health-benefits-of-fresh-air/