I, Dr. West, have counseled professional ministers for about four decades. There is no vocation as lonely and attacked by satanic and demonic forces as is the Pastoral ministry. It is a joy for me to have a part in seeing ministers who have erred, restored functionally to their ministry. Ministers do not have to endure the isolation and pain "alone." There is help and comfort to those who will just "swallow pride and reach out."
A true Pastor is akin to an earthly Father. He has been instrumental in the birthing process for many of his spiritual family. They are under his guidance, instruction, nurturing, and health benefits. He feels the obligation to be involved, as they permit, in the maintenance of their health, body, soul, and spirit.
The Ministers of Rapha are trained to counsel those who reach out to this ministry for pastoral help. We realize that pressures and situations can quickly arise in a ministry, life, or family. Rapha is always aware that when one individual, or group, is suffering and downcast, it is necessary that they rise again to wholeness as quickly as possible. Pastoral counseling through Rapha functions through the faith that when godly counseling is administered, God Himself gets involved in the process. Therefore, aid has to be forthcoming in the restoration process.
Help is available through Rapha to believers, non-believers, families, Pastors, church staff, and commercial institutions. The worst thing about a problem is having to face it without help. There is always an "answer."