Partner's Letter
Dear Partner,
Rapha intended to begin recording on the internet today, March 31st. However, we became aware of a platform better suited to our agenda. So, our Media Department is researching this to make sure if what we heard will suit our need.
We feel that our message will offer information into many needed areas. A great number of saints are isolated and have no church home or they are in churches that are not feeding them nourishing spiritual food.
Critical to our senses is that Satan is operating with great influence to political leaders and in pulpits. The saving gospel's message is not being presented and discipleship teachings are rare. We, at Rapha are convinced that our anointing will instruct and break yokes from many.
Events are beginning to increase with such rapidity that the world's population is stunned and their souls paralyzed. Much of 2 Chronicles 7:14's message is never quoted. This ignorance increases people's bondage to demonic devils and spiritual liars.
The end time national actors have begun to rise and aligned. These are nations such as Russia, China and Middle Eastern countries. As the astute believers begin to become aware of events, the United States is presently declining in world importance. Only astute Christians can grasp the significance of this observations. Rapha for decades has predicted and preached that for end time events to biblically transpire, the U.S. will have to be neutralized. Never in U.S. history has our country been governed by such incompetence, evil and perverted individuals. The U.S. is currently imploding and for the next two years it is vulnerable to an overpowering attack.
We, at Rapha, are not alarmed to see these amalgamations forming. We are cognizant of how blessed we are to witness God's closing events. We bask in the peaceful assurance that God has, as in the past, an Arc prepared for our protection no matter what devils attempt. We will "stand still and see the salvation of the Lord."
I have caused to be sent to Rapha's partners my CD teaching on "World War III and Armageddon." Should you not have your address on file with Rapha, please email us the address and we will send you the CD forthwith. I constantly thank God for the ministry team at Rapha and those who have chosen to reside under Rapha's covering. You will never be overpowered.
My personal blessings and peace be upon us all,
Dr. Lee