November Letter

With the coming of November, we who live in the Northern Hemisphere and especially in the United States began to experience a change in our emotions. We begin to feel the change in the weather for which we have waited and anticipation begins to build for the coming weeks.

Our minds begin to think on Thanksgiving, Christmas and the coming of the New Year. Many do not have these luxuries because of finances, illness or the loneliness of family and friends no longer available.

We who live in the United States enjoy the trappings associated with one of these events more fervently than the rest of the world because they cannot appreciate our reflection. Thanksgiving Day cannot be comprehended by any other country because it is indigenous only to the United States. This day triggers our foundation of national genesis. Should there have been no pilgrims, this land would have become populated only by privateers, explorers and naturalists.

I pray that Rapha's cohorts will not be drawn into errant alterations of these days. I pray we will train our focus upon the intent for which these days are celebrated. As we stay focused, we will enjoy these festivals with greater depth than other individuals. Also, I feel confident that our spiritual light will influence someone who gazes upon our clarity and give them light for their walk.


Merry Christmas


Rapha’s answer to a question: